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I'm Antonio, actor and presenter.

My training comes from DAMS, from the MAS (TV-Show) and from multiple internships and masters that have served me for a complete training as a performer.

I love acting, presenting, singing often accompanying on guitar and I have a good sense of rhythm in dance.

My greatest predisposition is in actor art and in microphone conducting, and it is in these fields that I have had the greatest job satisfaction.

I conducted television formats created by me, radio seasons, many live events and many varieties, often thinking also of the artistic direction of the same. (Allianz, Ferrari, Mondelez, Pandora Jewels, Amazon, Eurospin, Bicciolano d’Oro, Color Summer Festival, Music Festival, Holi Dance Festival, Monsterland, Triennale Milano, Altro Consumo, Rossignol ...)

For actor art, I like to call myself a character actor, capable of modulating voice and movements at will and at the behest of the director's personal care. I starred in 5 short films and 3 films playing different roles such as: the psychologist in "Dolce come il limone" by Lisa Santucci, the insurer in "La fiamma del peccato" NABA production, the dreamer boy in "Per non disturbare" by Daniele Russo, the gay choreographer in "Il giusto peso" by Mario Leclere, the office manager in "The son of dreams" by Federico Mamone and "La guerra interiore" by Daniele Russo ...

In the commercials I worked for: Unieuro, Bongiornowork, Tim, Vodafone, Sinergy, Colud Italia, Impregest, MSC, Toyo Reyes ...

SIAE principal author and I published the short story "Il Trafficker of Love"

Author of theatrical shows and television programs: Barcollando, Siamo fatti così, Il trafficante d'amore, Tg satirico "Se ti piglio m’iccimischio", "La Virgola".

Master Class Giovanni Veronesi



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